
Emergency Planning and Readiness

Are you prepared for the first 24 hours after an emergency? What about the next 24 days to continue operations?

Business resilience is the ability to rapidly adapt and respond to business disruptions, safeguard people and assets, while maintaining continuous business operations. It enables the ability to respond, resume and restore to a predetermined level of operation following a disruption.

Physical Security

It starts with a physical security assessment. Our team can help you build your security plan by starting with an objective, top-down security assessment.

Emergency Preparedness

An emergency preparedness program addresses risks, a plan for how to respond to those risks and education and training to support a cohesive outcome.

Business Continuity

Business resilience is the ability to rapidly adapt and respond to business disruptions, safeguard people and assets, while maintaining continuous business operations.

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Our Pricing Plans

Level 1

$ 2,500
  • PowerPoint tabletop exercise template
  • Facilitator Handbook
  • Participant Handbook
  • Additional Resources
  • A standard Active Shooter scenario will be used

Level 2

$ 5,000
  • Level 1, plus:
  • The Active Shooter scenario will be customized for your organization

Level 3

$ 8,000*
  • Level 2, plus:
  • The Active Shooter scenario will be customized for your organization and facilitated by FEA

Resilience Training Program

$ 10k-20k*
  • A customized tabletop exercise PowerPoint, Facilitator Handbook, Participant Handbook, and additional resources.
  • Development of a customized Emergency Preparedness Plan.
  • Annual facilitation led by one of FEA's emergency preparedness professionals (online or in-person).

* does not include expenses

Emergency Readiness

The Emergency Readiness packages include the materials to allow your organization to develop and facilitate tabletop exercises on its own. Our goal with all our tabletop exercises templates is to provide the participants with an engaging experience that will be useful for future application in the event of a crisis.

There is also the option (Level 3) for the exercise to be facilitated by one of FEA’s emergency preparedness professionals.

The Resilience Training Program includes the development of an Emergency Preparedness Plan and annual facilitation by one of FEA’s emergency preparedness professionals.

How It Works

Step 1

Choose a package

Choose from the Level 1-3 packages, and/or the Resilience Program.

Step 2

FEA will be in touch

Once we have your contract information and the package you're interested in, we will be in touch with your options.

Step 3

Sign the contract

Once we nail down the right package for you, sign the contract.

Step 4

Receive your materials

We will provide you with your materials and/or consulting services.

Request More Information

Emergency Readiness

Package Level
We will follow up with you to discuss package levels and payment.
Contact Name(Required)