
Maximizing the Life of Physical Assets

We will help you to better understand what you have under your care, how you use it, and how to properly plan for the future.

Maximizing the Life of Physical Assets Consulting Services

In an age of increasing costs and shrinking budgets, it is important to maximize the efficiency of existing assets and reduce the scope of capital investments. Our physical asset management program allows you to prioritize need, effectively forecast costs, and develop actionable, long-term capital budgets and plans.

For more than 30 years, FEA has provided support for maximizing the life of physical assets. We are passionate about asset management, as it is at the core of what we do.

We believe there are three things an organization should know about its assets to properly plan for the future: what you have under your care, how you use it, and your future needs.


Maximizing the Life of Physical Assets

Maximizing the life of physical assets starts with alignment. We believe in the power of alignment with proven standards to achieve results. Our team understands the rigor and discipline required to build defendable and sustainable programs. FEA brings the knowledge and mindset of an auditor to every project.

Our services include our Asset Management, Facility Condition Assessments, and Engineering Solutions.

Asset Management Program

Our asset management expertise combined with our engineering know-how allows us to see the total picture from bricks to people…connecting organizational mission to programs, people, and assets. We begin by collaboratively engaging with our clients to understand their needs and objectives.

Facility Condition Assessments

A facility condition assessment (FCA) is the cornerstone of an effective asset management program. By evaluating the condition of facilities, you can prioritize repair, renewal, and replacement planning and optimize capital funding. An FCA will arm you with the proper data and analysis to make informed decisions that will extend the life of your facilities.

Engineering Solutions

By assessing building conditions and developing cost-effective solutions to the challenges of existing buildings, FEA helps you maximize your maintenance, repair, and replacement dollars.

Key Team Members

Senior Engineer